You are here: User's Guide > User Interface > Ribbons > Quick Access Toolbar and Customization

Quick Access Toolbar and Customization



The Quick Access Toolbar is located in the top left part of the SPIP window and always available. It contains access to a number of common functions and can be extended by user selections.

The factory-defined functions are:


Customizing the Toolbar

To customize the tool bar click the down arrow key and select More Commands...

This will open the Customize dialog:


To add a desired command to the tool bar select first the associated category of commands in the "Choose commands from" field. Select the command and click the Add>> key.




Adding Keyboard Shortcuts

In the same way, you can customize keyboard shortcuts. Open the Customize Keyboard dialog by clicking the Customize.. button. Then find the command for which you want to define a shortcut and enter the shortcut key combination in the dedicated field.

