The Movie & Time Series Analysis module combines series of images into drift corrected movies for visualizing time dependent behavior, for example atomic dynamics or chemical reactions.
The most intuitive presentation of a time series of images is a time lapse movie. With the Movie & Time Series Analysis module a series of images can be played back at desired speed. Several views such as 3D projection, cross section profiles, histogram, can be viewed simultaneously - even the distribution charts from particle analysis can be included!
The movie function in SPIP is particularly popular amongst researchers studying molecular dynamics on surfaces and reactions in biomaterials.
All displayed views can be exported as film clips playable by common multimedia players.
This is perfect for presentations or web pages, but is also convenient in the case where the computer is not be able to render the movie at the desired speed live in SPIP™; after export the clip can be played at designed speed.
SPM images are often subject to drift. In order to compensate for this the module has a function for aligning a collection of images to a selected reference image.
Additionally the images may need processing such as Plane Correction or Filtering. With the Batch Processing & Active Reporter module this is easily accomplished, even for large sets of images.