You are here: User's Guide > Filtering > Overview of Different Filter Types

Overview of the Different Filter Types


SPIPTM has the following spatial filters implemented in the Filter module, which will be described in the following.

Linear Convolution (kernel) Filters


Parametric LowPass

Mean filter

Gaussian Standard deviation Smoothing


Highpass (Unicrisp - Laplacian)

Laplacian of the Gaussian /Mexican Hat

Edge enhancement

Gradient (Roberts, Prewitt, Sobel, Pixel Difference )



ISO Standard Filters

ISO 11562 Gaussian profile filter for surface analysis

ISO 13565 Deep Valley - Gaussian profile filter for surface analysis

Non-linear Filters

Median filtering, for noise removal

Outlier Objects Filter for recovery of areas covered by contamination and spike elimination

Statistical Differencing:

Local Mean equalization

Local Standard Deviation equalization
